Install the Ellogon Annotation Platform

The Ellogon Annotation Platform is written in JavaScript using the Anguar Framework, and the Django Web Framework as its backend.

The code of the annotation tool is available at:

This installation guide is, also, available at Github.

How to deploy the Annotation tool through docker-compose/podman-compose

The Ellogon Web Annotation Tool can be deployed as a container. A container image is available at Docker Hub . The steps to deploy the container through docker-compose/podman-compose or similar tools, are:

  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Change directory to clarin-el-annotation-tool/docker:
    cd clarin-el-annotation-tool/docker
  3. Inside the docker folder, copy the file env-dist to env:
    cp env-dist env
  4. Edit file env to your needs, by adding passwords, the SMTP server, secret key, etc. Do not remove any variable definitions from it.
  5. After the env file has been edited and saved, run the script

Running this script will perform the following actions:

  1. Check that the file env is available in the docker directory.
  2. Read the variables defined in the env file in the shell.
  3. Ensure that the variable EMAIL_URL has been defined in the env file.
  4. Set the correct SELinux context in the folder.
  5. Generate the file conf/env, which will be used by the container.
  6. It will run podman-compose/docker-compose to start the containers.
  7. It will wait for about 3 minutes.
  8. It will initialise the two databases, MariaDB and Mongo.